
Wouldn't it be nice if..

Instead of the internet, how about tiny paper swans?! 

I seem to spend hours and hours searching the internet for something interesting to look at. I think i look for inspiration and for 'really cool, artsty shit', but why do I expect anything out of a combination of every body's any thing in an imaginary space. Walking cliche though I am (saying this on a stupid blog), I just got upset about it today. It would be so much nicer if there was some way in which the internet could be replaced. BUT it's not possible. 

SO, in a world where I can dream in this imginary space we call the internet. This imaginary space that has turned into my diary... i propose a massive windy, glorious river in which we float tiny paper swans. Yes, paper swans. Websites will be replaced with paper swans which hold all the glorious shite you read on your computer screens. 

ps. Rollo made me think of shitty internet stuff. And i must remember to phone him soon. 

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